Monday, April 26, 2010

i write coz i want to write LOH!

giving. not just stuff.

I am bored of my very messy room.. sometimes wondering how come it got so messy.. as in u clean clean clean de right. the mess still pop up! >,<..

Finished most of my individual assignment. left 2. photo montage ( one malaysia) and photo album ( is something like the wedding punya album but not wedding picz in it la.. ) The topic for videos, photography, drawing contests are all about one malaysia. kinda bored of it lo. cant it come out with something special or unique meh? like last time. when we launch CUTI CUTI MALAYSIA 2007.. i can write the same assay from 2007 till 2009! damn it -.-

Nothing to share geh.. just that i feel like writing ma writing lo. ( kinda feel good when u type fast fast without typo! ) geng jor loo...

Never join Ah beng and Ah lian contest coz term and condition there stated ( 谢绝俊男美) organizer said till so obvious de. wad else can i do ? :X... Bought a new external flash light.. 3 weeks ago i think. lol. is kinda cool but heavy and imbalance. time to go for a grib lo~ hehe.. better picz produced after joining EXPOSURE! woohhoo.. my college videography & photography club. nice club though:)

Some update on me!

big bro!!

good picz by ka vie!


Me and kee!

Sk's birthday~

Putra jaya hot air balloon fiesta~ which made me tan like a chicken!

Latest scout camp. memories flash back!

Latest pics for my photojounalism~

Canon eos 500D
18mm X55mm standard kit lens
photoshop cs3

Canon eos 500D
18mm X55mm standard kit lens
photoshop cs3

studio portrait.

model: alicia
theme: nerdy!
photographer: caely
Lighting: Choong kit.
Editing: Kavie


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